Parking issues in Uphill - Update

Date Published: 17th April 2024

The Chair and Secretary of the Uphill Village Society met with representatives from the village schools and hospice recently in the latest of a series of ongoing meetings to discuss the problems around the village from increased on-street parking. Uphill Village Academy sent written representations in the absence of being able to attend and a member of staff from the hospital was also present along with a PCSO for the village. 

The schools and hospice had all be provided with details of concerns raised by residents with the society ahead of the meeting.

On behalf of Uphill Village Academy it was reported that they have increased the presence of their PCSO, traffic officers and Police at drop off and pick up times in an attempt to encourage parents to park appropriately. Key campaigns with whole school community including staff to encourage active ways of coming to school. This has encouraged a reduction in cars seen in the village and from staff. Staff have said they be more mindful of where they park. More now park further away from school and walk.

Both Weston HospiceCare and Westhaven School reported that they continue to encourage staff to consider alternative routes to work and if required to park further away and all staff try their best to avoid problems for neighbouring properties. It is more difficult to control visitors to their sites and continue to do what they can to highlight the need to park with consideration to others. All expressed understanding of the concerns of residents and have no wish to be the cause of unnecessary problems.

The Police report that whist they have attended some complaints from residents they have not identified any illegal parking to justify action being taken against any drivers. They continue to visit the area regularly and the Society has arranged their attendance at the village pop-up cafe on a monthly basis so any concerns can be followed up with them there.

It was agreed that a joint representation should be made to ward councillors and North Somerset Council for the extension of double yellow lines in the village particularly at junctions where parking currently causes problems and reduced visibility.

The issue of increase on-street parking in the village resulting from the Hospital Boards decision to reintroduce parking charges on site for staff was considered in some detail. The staff member attending reported that this was an issue causing great concern to a lot of staff and could see many faced with a potential cost of over £500 per annum if they were to continue using the staff parking facilities. It is understood that the hospital unions are now pursuing a grievance against the Boards decision. The meeting agreed that a joint letter of concern should be signed and sent to all hospital board members encouraging them to reconsider imposing the charge and the Society's chair hopes shortly to meet with an executive member of the hospital management to further discuss residents concerns.

The Society would remind residents via the village website of where responsibility lies for enforcement of parking restrictions in the village and steps that can be taken to arrange for H lines outside of properties and in respect of the provision of additional double yellow lines. See links below:
